March 2022
A joint CSP/Mulberry Bush Child Care History Network on 50 Years of Early Years Provision (1971-2021) was organised but could not take place due to Covid. The four presentations: Sonia Jackson, How the Plowden Report (1967) sent Early Childhood Care and Education in Britain down the wrong path, and why we have never found our way since; Gillian Pugh, Transforming the early years 1975 – 2005: a personal perspective, Naomi Eisenstadt Sure Start Review, Teresa Smith, Narrowing the Gap? EPAs to Children's Centres 1971-2021: 50 years of research on implementation and outcomes; and Roger Bullock Day Care: The wider policy context were published a special edition of the Mulberry Bush online Therapeutic Care Journal (, June 1st edition, and in the report available here.